

Ciprian Mureşan

Born 1977 in Dej, Romania. Lives and works in Cluj, Romania.

Ciprian Muresan graduated from The University of Art and Design, Cluj, in 2000.
He is co-editor of the artist run magazine VERSION and has been editor of IDEA art + society magazine since 2005.

In 2009, he represented Romania at the 53rd International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia.

Solo Exhibitions

Doppia Ombra, Central Institute for Graphics, Roma, IT

Echoes of Sculpture, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, FR
None of it is real, but it’s based on events that took place, Aluvial, Cluj-Napoca, RO

Ciprian Muresan, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
The Spectre, National Museum of Contemporary Art – MNAC, Bucharest, RO

Incarnation, Galerie Éric Hussenot, Paris, FR

Ciprian Muresan, SMAK Museum, Ghent, BE

Incorrigible Believers, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Art Club 22: Ciprian Muresan, Accademia di Francia a Roma – Villa Medici, Rome, IT

The Struggle Between Academic Abstractionism and Globalized Formalism, Lateral Art Space, Cluj, RO
All Images from a Book…, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US

Ciprian Muresan, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Ciprian Muresan, Museo Pietro Canonica a Villa Borghese, Rome, IT
Plague Column, Galerie Éric Hussenot, Paris, FR

Your survival is guaranteed by treaty, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest, Budapest, HU
Ciprian Muresan, Wilkinson Gallery, London, UK

The Suicide Series, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Ciprian Muresan, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US

All that work for nothing! That’s what I try to do all the time!, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Page by page, screenings on the façade of MUSEION Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bolzano, IT
Recycled Playground, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, CA

Stage and Twist, Project space, Tate Modern, London, UK (with Anna Molska)
Ciprian Muresan, Wilkinson Gallery, London, UK
Recycled Playground, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva, CH
Dead Weights, Museum of Art Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, RO

Recycled Playground, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, FR
Ciprian Muresan, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US

Ciprian Muresan, Wilkinson Galllery, London, UK
Ciprian Muresan, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Ciprian Muresan, n.b.k. – Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, DE
The Unbelonging, Prometeogallery, Milan, IT

Luv, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO

Work and Travel, Andreiana Mihail Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Compulsory Rules, Prometeogallery, Milan, IT

I Believe I Can Fall, Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Expulsion from Paradise, Raster Gallery, Warsaw, PL

Choose…, Plan B, Cluj, RO

The End Of The Five Year Plan, Studio Protokoll, Cluj, RO

Selected Group Exhibitions

One Eye Laughing, the Other Crying. Art From Romania. Ovidiu Șandor Collection, The International Cultural Centre, Krakow, PL
The Impermanent: Four takes on the collection, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, PL
Ilustrat, tipărit, copiat, învățat (with Alex Bodea), Memorialul Ipotești, Ipotesti, RO

Acquisizioni Da Parmigianino a Kentridge, Central Institute for Graphics, Roma, IT
The Twist: Failing Empires, Triumphant Provinces, National Museum of Contemporary Art, MNAC Bucharest, Bucharest, RO
From Holbein to Trockel, Kunstmuseum Basel, Basel, CH
Mirror, Mirror, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery, London, UK
Group Therapy, Prague City Gallery, Prague, CZ
Anybody Home?, The 5th Mediterranean Biennale, Wizo Academy of Design, Haifa, IL

Looking Anew and Beyond, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, US
Lost in the Moment That Follows, Ways of Collecting: Ovidiu Șandor Collection, Kunsthalle Prague, Prague, CZ
The Twist. Five Provincial Stories from an Empire, Kunsthalle Bega, Timisoara, RO
Don’t Dream Dreams, Works from the Art Collection Telekom, MG+ / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana, SI
Bozzetto, Peles, Berlin, DE
I am another you, you are another me – Mediation Biennale, ArtIstanbul Feshane, Istanbul, TR
Avangarda si Contemporaneitate, Muzeul Județean de Artă, Centrul Artistic Baia Mare, Baia Mare, RO
Monumental and ephemeral. Sculpted Memory, ‘U’ Baracks, Timisoara, RO
Different Degrees of Freedom, Kunsthalle Bega, Timisoara, RO
My Rhino is not a Myth, Art Encounters Biennial, Art Encounters Foundation, Timisoara, RO
Deep Deep Down: Collection presentation, Mudam Luxembourg, Luxembourg, LU

Curated by Asier Mendizabal: Reroute—Reorient, Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna, AT
The Influencing Machine, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL
Colliding Epistemes: Art & Science Exhibition, Cluj Cultural Centre, Cluj-Napoca, RO
Puls 20, Noi intrari in Colectia MNAC, Craiova Art Museum, Craiova, RO
‘Colliding Epistemes’, BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, BE

La cuisse de Marcel, Craiova Art Museum, Craiova, RO
B5 Studio, Targu Mures, RO
Post-Capital: A Screening, Mudam, Luxembourg, LU
A Biography of Daphne, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne, AU
Electric Crossroads, Bubble ‘n’ Squeak, Brussels, BEL
When in Doubt, Go to a Museum, City Museum of Ljubljana, SI

Dupa doisprezece ani. Productia artistica din Romania in 180 de lucrari. Expozitia Achizitiilor de Opere de Arta, MNAC – National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, RO
Keeping the Balance. Works from the Art Collection Telekom, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU
Beating around the bush # 6: Scenes from the Anthropocene, Bonnefanten Museum, Maastricht, NL

End of Future, SAPS La Tallera Museum, Cuernavaca, MX
How We Live, Hudson Valley MOCA, Peekskill NY, US
Perspectives, BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, BE
Geta Bratescu, Adrian Ghenie, Ciprian Muresan, Serban Savu, Fondazione Nicola Del Roscio, Rome, IT
Art Encounters Biennial, Third Edition, Timisoara, RO
Ciprian Muresan and Serban Savu. L’atelier sans fin, Atelier Brancusi – Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
An Opera for Animals, Para Site, Hong Kong, HK
Grande Révolution Domestique, Le Familistère de Guise, Le Familistère de Guise, Guise, FR
La Brique, the Brick, Caramida, La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, FR
Ex-East, past and recent stories of the Romanian Avant-Garde, Espace Niemeyer, Paris, FR

Ciprian Muresan and Serban Savu, L’entretien infini, Une saison roumaine, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
The World on Paper, Deutsche Bank Collection, Berlin, DE
A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings, Drawing Room, London, UK
A Slice through the World: Contemporary Artists’ Drawings, Modern Art Oxford, Oxford, UK
DOUBLE HEADS MATCHES. A selection of contemporary artworks from four Romanian private collections, New Budapest Gallery, Budapest, HU
I AM THE MOUTH – Works from Central and Eastern European Artists from Art Collection Telekom, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Zagreb, HR
Remastered – The Art of Appropriation, Kunsthalle Krems, Krems, AT

On the Sex of Angels, Nicodim Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Półprawda | Half-Truth, Museum of Sculpture at Królikarnia Palace, Warsaw, PL
Viva Arte Viva, 57th Venice Biennale, Giardini Arsenale, Venice, IT
A Moveable Feast I, Éric Hussenot, Paris, FR
The City: My Studio / The City: My Life, Kathmandu Triennale, Kathmandu, NP
Doublethink: Double-vision, Pera Museum, Istanbul, TR
Drawing Biennial 2017, The Drawing Room, London, UK
BERLIN SHOW #5: Collectors’ Loop, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
The Basilisk, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US

# 1.1 Palimpsest: Joachim Bandau, Pavel Büchler, Oscar Hugal, Ciprian Muresan, Convent Art Space, Ghent, BE
Track Changes, Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo, BR
Freundschaftsspiel Istanbul : Freiburg, Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg, DE
Shape of Time – Future of Nostalgia. Works from Art Collection Telekom, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, RO
Cher(e)s Ami(e)s: Hommage aux Donateurs des Collections Contemporaines, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
Naturally Obscure, Centre d’Art Passerelle, Brest, FR
Few Were Happy with Their Condition, Gallery 400, University of Illinois, Chicago, US
George Grosz: Politics and His Influence, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
Silke Schatz – Choose Love, Wilkinson Gallery, London, UK
Omul Negru, Galeria Nicodim, Bucharest, RO

Balagan, KühlhausBerlin, Berlin, DE
Apperance and Essence, ArtEncounters 1st edition, Timişoara, RO
Few Were Happy with their Condition, Motorenhalle. Projektzentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden, DE
Mapping Bucharest: Art, Memory and Revolution 1916 – 2016, MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna, AT
Working from Language, Salonul de Proiecte, The National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, RO
Chercher le garçon, Musée d´Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne MAC/Val, Vitry-sur-Seine, Paris, FR
Drawing Biennial 2015, Drawing Room, London, UK
Workers leaving the studio. Looking away from socialist realism., National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, AL
Few Were Happy with their Condition, Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur, CH
Cluj Connection 3D, Galerie Judin, Berlin, DE
Group exhibition, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
BERLIN SHOW #4: Inventory, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE

Progress and Hygiene, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL
Ludwig 25. The Contemporary Collection, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest, Budapest, HU
Fragile Sense of Hope. Art Collection Telekom, me Collectors Room Berlin, Berlin, DE
Allegory of the Cave Painting, Extra City Kunsthal, Middelheim Museum, Antwerp, BE
A FEW GRAMS OF RED, YELLOW, BLUE. New Romanian Art, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL
Nouvelle Géneration, FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque, FR
Private Nationalism, m21 Gallery, Pécs, HU
A Guest Without a Host is a Ghost, Townhouse Gallery, Cairo, EG
A Guest Without a Host is a Ghost, Beirut, Cairo, EG
Arena, Centre of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu – CoCA, Torun, PL
Private Nationalism, Kunsthalle Kosice, Košice, PL
Inquieto Novecento, Lu.C.C.A – Lucca Center of Contemporary Art, Lucca, IT
Get Up, Mains dÓEuvres, Saint Ouen, FR
Il Piedistallo vuoto. Fantasmi dall’Est Europa, Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologno, Bologna, IT
Through the Collector’s Eye. Works of the Generation 2000 from Cluj in Three Romanian Collections, The Office, Cluj, RO
Domino Dancing, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO

Romanian Scenes, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, FR
Who Makes Europe, Städische Galerie Bremen im Butentor, Bremen, DE
Faire le vide, Neue Galerie, Innsbruck, AT
Sculpture after Artschwager, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
The Cassini Cruise III, The Ridder. A House for Contemporary Art, Maastricht, NL
Without Reality There Is No Utopia, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, US
Analogital, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, US
IMAGINE. ARHIVA / IMAGE. ARCHIVE, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, RO

The Freedom of Sound. John Cage behind the Iron Curtain, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, HU
Six Lines of Flight: Shifting Geographies in Contemporary Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, US
European Travellers. Art from Cluj Today, Mucsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, HU
Sounds Like Silence (John Cage – 4’33” – Silence Today / 1912 – 1952 – 2012), Hartware MedienKunstVerein (HMKV), Dortmund, DE
Déjà-vu? Die Kunst der Wiederholung von Dürer bis YouTube, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe, DE
Referencing History, Green Art Gallery, Dubai, AE
Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, RU
les 30 ans du frac champagne-ardenne, Centre d’art contemporain Passages, Troyes, FR
The Hero, the Heroine and the Author, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, HU
Foreigners Everywhere – selected works from the Pomeranz Collection, Jewish Museum, Vienna, AT
Never odd or even – a text spaced exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, DK

Genius without Talent, de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam, NL
Rearview Mirror, The Power Plant, Toronto, CA
Image to be projected until it vanishes, MUSEION Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bolzano, IT
Ciprian Mureșan and Tomáš Svoboda, Futura, Prague, CZ
Never Odd or Even, Grimmuseum, Berlin, DE
Communism never happened, Charim Galerie, Vienna, AT
Sin realidad no hay utopía, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC), Sevilla, ES
Volume Collection, MMSU – Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, HR
Historical Structures – New Existentialism Part 2, Alte Fabrik, Gebert Stiftung für Kultur, Rapperswil, CH
loophole to happiness, amt _ project, Bratislava, SK

Les Promesses du passé. Une histoire discontinue de l’art dans l’ex-Europe de l’Est, Centre Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, FR
Loophole to Happiness, Trafó House of Contemporary Art, Budapest, HU
No New Thing Under the Sun, Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK
After the Fall, HVCCA – Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York, US
The Only One/ L’unico, Studio Tommaseo – Istituto per la documentazione e diffusione delle Arti, Trieste, IT
Social Cooking Romania, The National Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, RO
Der offene Garten, Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen, DE
Shockworkers of the Mobile Image, The first Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, Yekaterinburg, RU
The Seductiveness of the Interval, The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago, Chicago, US
Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Rumänien / Romanian Cultural Resolution, Werkschauhalle, Leipzig, DE
Monumento A La Transformación, Centro Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES
Where do we go from here?, Wiener Secession, Vienna, AT
There is No Alternative (TINA), Storey Gallery, Lancaster, UK
There Is No Alternative, Konsthall C, Hökarängen, SE
Over and Over Again, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk, PL
The First Haifa Mediterranean Biennale, Haifa, IL
Art Always Has Its Consequences, MS – Muzeum Sztuki Łódź, Łódź, PL
Morality Act III: And the moral of the story is…, Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, NL
CUE: Artists’ Videos, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, CA
BERLIN SHOW #2, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE

The Generational Triennial: Younger Than Jesus, New Museum, New York, US
The Seductiveness of the Interval, Romanian Pavilion, the 53rd Venice Biennale, IT
All Creatures Great and Small, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL
From One Thing to the Other, Romanian Cultural Institute Stockholm, Stockholm, SE
Communism Never Happened, Galerie Feinkost, Berlin, DE
Espectros: Arte y transición, Centro Cultural de España Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala, GT
TINA, Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
No More Reality, Depo, Istanbul, TR
The Punishment of Lust and Luxury, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Monument to Transformation 1989-2009, Galerie Hlavního Města Prahy, Prague, CZ

Fusion // Confusion, Museum Folkwang Essen, Essen, DE
OÙ? Scènes du Sud II, Carré d ́art – Musée d ́art contemporain de Nîmes, Nîmes, FR
TINA, Drawing Room, London, UK
Where the East Ends, Nassauischer Kunstverein, Wiesbaden, DE
Berlin Show #1, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Signals: A Video Showcase, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, US
Like an Attali Report, but different. On fiction and political imagination, Kadist Art Foundation, Paris, FR
Drawings & Other Works on Paper, Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp, BE
Monument to Transformation, Fragment #7: Communism Never Happened/Vocabulary, Tranzit, Bratislava, SK
Dada East? Romanian Context of Dadaism, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL
Monument to Transformation, Fragment #6: Labour Day, Labor, Budapest, HU
Since We Last Spoke About Monuments, Stroom Den Haag, The Hague, NL
Salon Of The Revolution, HDLU – Mestrovic Pavilion, Zagreb, HR

Prague Biennale 3, Karlin Hall, Prague, CZ
1st Athens Biennale, Athens, GR
Across the Trees, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
Social Cooking Romania, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (NGBK), Berlin, DE
transmediale.07, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE
Dada East? The Romanians of Cabaret Voltaire, Fargfabriken, Stockholm, SE
Friends, Foes and Collaborators, Galerie IG Bildende Kunst, Vienna, AT
The Country of the Endangered Body, Trafó Gallery, Budapest, HU

indirect speech, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, DE
NETEROTOPIA, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, FR

Selected public and private collections

Centre Pompidou, Paris; Tate Collection, London; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; S.M.A.K. Museum, Ghent; Art Collection Telekom, Bonn; Deutsche Bank Collection, Frankfurt am Main; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin; FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque; FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims; ARKEN Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen; Ludwig Museum, Budapest; The Sander Collection, Darmstadt; Pomeranz Collection, Vienna; Kadist Art Foundation, Paris/ San Francisco; Teixeira de Freitas Collection, Lisbon.


  • 2024
    Doppia ombra | Double Shadow, Dario Cimorelli Editore, Published with the support of Istituto centrale per la grafica, Rome, 2024. [exhibition catalogue]

    Communism Never Happened, Idea Design & Print Editura, Cluj. Published with the support of Galeria Plan B, 2023. [artist book]

    Romanian Contemporary Art 2010-2020, Ostfildern, 2020

    The A-Z of Gravity’s End. Your Ultimate Guide to Free Fall and Levitation. Berlin, 2019

    VIVA ARTE VIVA : 57th International Art Exhibition: La Biennale di Venezia, 2017, p. 114-117.
    Boecker, Susanne; Glauner, Max; Haase, Amine; Honnef, Klaus; Hübl, Michael; Jocks, Heinz Norbert Tappeiner; Maria Anna, Trager; Wolfgang Vogel; Sabine B. Kunstforum, 57. Biennale Venedig 2017. Köln, 2017, p. 122.

    Akira 3. Edited by Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles: Fabrik, 2016. [artist book]

    Drawings, 2015-2004. Ostfildern and Cluj: Hatje Cantz Verlag and Galeria Plan B, 2015. [artist book]
    Workers Leaving the Studio. Looking Away from Socialist Realism. New York, Tirana, 2015. [Exhibition catalogue]

    Suicide Series. Cluj: Galeria Plan B, 2014. [artist book]

    Angel, Judit (ed.). European Travelers: Art from Cluj Today. Budapest: Műcsarnok Kunsthalle, 2013. [catalogue]
    Dead Weights. Cluj: Galeria Plan B, 2013. [artist book]
    Byrd, Antawan I. and Shier, Rheid (eds.). Art Cities of the Future: 21st Century Avant-Gardes. London: Phaidon Press, 2013.
    Rattemeyer, Christian. Vitamin D2: New Perspectives in Drawing. London: Phaidon Press, 2013.

    Droitcour, Brian. “Six Lines of Flight: Shifting Geographies in Contemporary Art.” Edited by Aspara DiQuinzio, Berkeley/ Los Angeles and San Francisco: University of California Press and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2012. [catalogue]

    Bojenoiu, Adrian; Niculescu, Alexandru (eds.). Romanian Cultural Resolution. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2011. [catalogue]
    Gavin, Francesca (ed.). 100 New Artists. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2011.

    Babias, Marius (ed.). Ciprian Mureșan. Köln and Berlin: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König and n.b.k., 2010. [catalogue]
    Elliott, David (ed.). 17th Biennale of Sydney: The Beauty of Distance. Sydney: The Biennale of Sydney and Thames & Hudson, 2010. [catalogue]
    Macel, Christine; Petrešin, Nataša (eds.). Promises of the Past. A Discontinuous History of Art in Former Eastern Europe. Zürich and Paris: JRP | Ringier and Editions du Centre Pompidou. 2010. [catalogue]
    Sowa, Jan; Szylak, Aneta (eds.). Over and Over Again: 1989-2000. Wroclaw: Korporacja Ha!art i BWA Wroclaw – Galerie Sztuki Wspolczesnej, 2010. [catalogue]
    Kotsopoulos, Nikos (ed.). Contemporary Art in Eastern Europe. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2010.Piotrowski, Piotr. “Agoraphilia. Art and Democracy in Post Communist Europe.” Poznań: Rebis, 2010.

    Mircan, Mihnea (ed). Artists Book. Cluj: Galeria Plan B, 2009. [artist book]
    The Seductivness of the Interval. Edited by Alina Șerban and Mirela Duculescu, Stockholm: Romanian Cultural Institute of Stockholm, 2009, p. 59-66. [catalogue]
    State, Andrei. “The Democratic Device.The Art of Ciprian Mureșan”. [catalogue]
    Bishop, Claire and Dziewanska, Marta (eds.) 1968-1989: Political Upheaval and Artistic Change. Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2009.
    Cornell, Lauren; Gioni, Massimiliano; Hoptman, Laura; Shoils, Brian (eds.). Younger than Jesus.The Generation Book. New York and Göttingen: New Museum and Steidl Verlag, 2009.

    Konstantinidis, Dimitri (ed.). Ciprian Mureșan. A Turn to the Real. Strasbourg: apollonia, 2008. [catalogue]
    Dressler, Iris; Hans D. Christ (eds.). On Difference #3: Politics Of Space. Stuttgart: Württembergischer Kunstverein, 2008. [catalogue]
    Machnicka, Zofia; Notz, Adrian (eds.). Dada East? Romanian Contexts of Dadaism. Warsaw: Zachęta National Gallery of Art, 2008. [catalogue]
    Mircan, Mihnea. Fusion // Confusion. Zur Kunst der Referenz. Edited by Sabine Maria Schmidt, Essen and Nürnberg: Museum Folkwang and Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2008, p. 106-114. [catalogue]
    Mihail, Andreiana; Nicodim, Mihai (ed). Auto-da-Fé. Bucharest: Andreiana Mihail Gallery, 2008. [artist book]
    Cornell, Lauren; Gioni, Massimiliano; Hoptman, Laura (eds.). Younger than Jesus. Artist Directory. London and New York: Phaidon Press and New Museum, 2008.

    Kapaktsoglou, Xenia; Poka–Yio; Zenakos, Augustine; Theophilos,Tramboulis (eds.) Destroy Athens,1st Athens Biennial. Athens: The Athens Biennale and futura Publications, 2007.

    Plate, S. Brent. Blasphemy. Art That Offends. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2006.

    Mircan, Mihnea. Paradoxes:The Embodied City. Edited by Nuno Faria, Lisbon: Gulbenkian Foundation, 2005, p. 80-107. [catalogue]
    Tordai, Attila (ed). He Never Knew What Hit Him. Cluj and Prague: Protokoll Gallery and Display Gallery, 2005. [artist book]

    Costinaș, Cosmin. Vrsac: Yogoslav Biennial of Young Artists, Vrsac: Centar za savremenu kulturu, 2004. [catalogue]
    Yrjö, Haila. Retkeilyn rikkaus. Luonto ympäristöhuolen aikakaudella. Helsinki: Kustannus Oy Taide, 2004.

