

Miklos Onucsan

Born 1952 in Gherla, Romania. Lives and works in Oradea, Romania.

Miklos Onucsan graduated from the University of Art and Design in Cluj, Romania.
In 2019, he represented Romania at the 58th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia.

Solo Exhibitions

Pseudo-drawings, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE

“What is normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly.“, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE

Mo(nu)ments, MAGMA Contemporary Art Space, Sfântu Gheorghe, RO

Unfinished Measurements, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE

Markings of the working area, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US

What I have to do tomorrow, I should have done yesterday, Plan B, Berlin, DE

Protected -25%, Atelier HAG Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Undated, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO

Selected Group Exhibitions

PHANTOM VISION. Undercurrents of perception, Light Art Museum, Budapest, HU
The Romanian Poster in the ’90s, Institutul Prezentului, Bucharest, RO
Relatări despre o singurătate zgomotoasă, Salonul de proiecte, Bucharest, RO

Graft. Materials and Processes, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Lost in the Moment That Follows, Ways of Collecting: Ovidiu Șandor Collection, Kunsthalle Praha, Prague, CZ

Locus Solus, Arter, Istanbul, TR

Landscape in a Convex Mirror, Art Encounters Biennial, Timișoara, RO
The Third Woman – Actionism, performance, and attitudes, Art Encounters Foundation, Timisoara, RO

Because in our dreams we took risks, Art Encounters, Timisoara, RO
Perspectives, BOZAR Centre for Contemporary Art, Brussels, BE
Unfinished Conversations on the Weight of Absence, Romanian Pavilion at the 58th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia, IT
La Brique, the Brick, Caramida, La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, FR
Ex-East, past and recent stories of the Romanian Avant-Garde, Espace Niemeyer, Paris, FR

DOUBLE HEADS MATCHES. A selection of contemporary artworks from four Romanian private collections, New Budapest Gallery, Budapest, HU

Viitorul Memoriei – The Future of Memory, Studio Act, Oradea, Cluj, RO
Life – A User’s Manual, ArtEncounters 2nd edition, Timisoara, RO

Art Has No Alternative, tranzit.sk, Bratislava, SK
BERLIN SHOW #4: Inventory, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Allegory of the Cave Painting. The Other Way Around

Allegory of the Cave Painting, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp, BE
Between the Lines, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
Dallas Biennial, Dallas, US

In This Pavilion One Can See Art. Romania in Venice. 89 years with La Biennale, tranzit.ro, Bucharest, RO
B & W Biennial (Bienala Alb-Negru) County Museum, Satu Mare, RO

La triennale. Intense Proximity, Palais de Tokyo Paris, FR
Salonul de vară, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
Utopraxia, TAF / the Art Foundation, Athens, GR
It’s moving from I to it, The Contemporary Art Gallery of the National Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu, RO
Romanian Cultural Resolution – Documentary, The New Gallery of the Romanian Cultural Institute, 54th Biennale di Venezia, IT

Anthem of People’s Love, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Barricade of Dreams, Trafó Gallery, Budapest, HU
Image to be projected until it vanishes, Museion – Museo d’arte moderna e contemporanea di Bolzano, Bolzano, IT
Salonul de mai, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
Curated by_Rene Block, ENTREPOT, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, AT
Experiment and community – Atelier 35 Oradea, MODEM Debrecen, HU
Here and Then, Club Electroputere Craiova, RO
Black/White Quotidian, Art Museum, Satu-Mare, RO
The Crisis, Art Galleries, Focșani, RO
I Am a Romanian: The Bucharest – Tel Aviv Route, Tel Aviv, IL

When History Comes Knocking: Romanian Art from the 80s and 90s in Close Up, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
An image instead of a title, Club Elecroputere, Craiova, RO
Romanian Cultural Resolution, Spinnerei, Leipzig, DE
STARTER, Arter Istanbul, TR
BERLIN SHOW #2, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
A Harmonious Mix of Objects, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US

I watered a horseshoe as if it were a flower, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Invisible Body, Conspicuous Mind, Luckman Gallery Los Angeles, curated by Lara Taubman, US

Romanian Art Today. History frees its demons. The artist and his supporters, 5th edition, Espace Tajan, Paris, FR
BERLIN SHOW #1, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
A Rictus Grin, curated by Anke Kempkes, Christopher Eamon, Broadway 1602 Gallery, New York, US

To Allen Ginsberg, Czeslaw Milosz, Dvir Gallery, Tel-Aviv, IL

Transilvania Express, Lyon, FR

Preview, National Museum of Contemporary Arts, Bucharest, RO
La nuit blanche de la video, Strasbourg, FR

Festival – Rendez-vous Roumain, Espace En Cours, Paris, FR

Donau-Welten, Regensburg, DE
The Festival of Ephemeral Art ”Maxima Lux”, META Foundation, Bucharest, RO

Ars Varadini, Vigadó Galéria, Budapest, HU
The Venice Biennale of Contemporary Arts, Istituto Rumeno di Venezia, IT

Exhibition of the international workshop Salina, Arts as Resource, Salt Mines in Turda, RO

Civitas Artis– Civitas Siolis, Câlnic, RO
Noi și ei, Mi es Ők, Wir und Sie, Casa Tranzit, Cluj, RO

Erték-Papir, Vigadó Galéria, Budapest, HU
International Artists Books Exhibitions, Vigadó Galéria, Budapest, HU
Romanian Avant-garde, UAP Gallery, Bacău, RO
Experiment in Romanian Art after 1960, ¾ Floor Gallery, Artexpo Foundation, Bucharest, RO

Segment 3, UAP Gallery, Oradea, RO

Orient-Occident, Art Museum, Timisoara, RO

Object-Books, National Szechenyi Library, Budapest, HU
The Danube, The Salamon Tower in Visegrad, HU
cARTe, De Zonnehof Cultural Center, Amersfoort, NL
Segment 2, UAP Gallery, Oradea, RO

Segment, Vác, HU
Saga, Grand Palais, Paris, FR
Medium: Paper, International Paper Art Exhibition, Budapest, HU
Art as Activist – Revolutionary Posters from Central and Eastern Europe, Smithsonian Institute, New York, US

Art Actual Romanes, Barcelona, ES

Romanian Fine Arts Show, Szombathely, HU

Exhibition of graphic art, Ville de Menton, FR

Romanian Graphic Art, Moscow, RU
Expoziția Tineretului, Baia Mare, RO
Atelier 35 Oradea, Căminul artei, Hanul cu Tei and Orizont Gallery, Bucharest, RO

International Graphic Arts Biennial, Krakow, PL
Mobilul – Fotografia, Atelier 35, Oradea, RO
Human Body Expression, Atelier 35, Oradea, RO
Atelier 35, Sibiu, RO
Artists from Bihor, Sala Dalles, Bucharest, RO

Mobilul – Fotografia, Atelier 35, Oradea, RO
Atelier 35, Alba Iulia, RO

Medium 1, Sfântul Gheorghe, RO


  • 2021
    Miklós Onucsán. Therefore white is black worn away for good and black is white worn away for good. Berlin: Galeria Plan B and Kerber Verlag, 2021. [monograph]

    ”I work, therefore I’m not” in Life – a User’s Manual, ArtEncounters Biennale 2nd edition. Timisoara & Arad: Azero, 2017, p. 80. [catalogue]
    Preda, Caterina. Art and Politics under Modern Dictatorships. A Comparison of Chile and Romania. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 284.
    Langford, Martha. Narratives Unfolding: National Art Histories in an Unfinished World. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.

    Jecza, Sorina (ed.). Art encounters: appearance and essence. Timișoara: Art Encounters foundation, Octombrie 2015, p. 103.
    Mircan, Mihnea; van Gerven Oei, Vincent W.J. (eds.). Allegory of the Cave Painting. Milan: Mousse Publishing, 2015. [catalogue]
    Ghiu, Daria. In acest pavilion se vede arta. Romania la bienala de la Venetia (1907-2015). Bucharest: Idea Design & Print, 2015.

    Carneci, Magda. Artele plastice in Romania: 1945‐1989. Cu o addenda 1990‐2010. Bucharest: Polirom, 2013.

    Okwui, Enwezor (ed.). Intense proximity: an anthology of the near and the far: La Triennale 2012. Paris: Editions ArtLys, May, 2012, p. 84-85. [catalogue]
    DiQuinzio, Apsara (ed.). Six Lines of Fight: Shifting Geographies in Contemporary Art. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and University of California Press, 2012, p. 113.
    FormContent (ed.). It’s moving from I to it. Milan: MOUSSE PUBLISHING, 2012. [catalogue]

    Niculescu, Alexandru; Bojenoiu, Adrian (eds.). Romanian Cultural Resolution: Contemporary Romanian Art. Berlin: Hatje Cantz, 2011, p. 106-109, p. 213-215, p. 219-220. [catalogue]
    Bojenoiu, Adrian; Niculescu, Alexandru (eds.). Romanian Participation – 54th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, Romanian Cultural Resolution – documentary. Venice: Romanian Cultural Institute, 2011, p. 24-27, p. 34-39.
    EAST by SOUTH WEST. Vienna: VERLAG für MODERNE KUNST, 2011, p. 56. [catalogue]
    Grigorescu, Felicia; Golban, Adrian, Alb-negru în cotidian, Editura Muzeului Sătmărean.

    Vakfi, Vehbi Koç. Starter: works from the Vehbi Koç Foundation Contemporary Art Collection. Istanbul: Arter Galeri, 2010.
    Mircan, Mihnea; Neal, Jane; Radu, Magda. Edited by Mihai Pop, Colectia Mircea Pinte. Cluj: Galeria Plan B and Museum of Art Cluj Napoca, 2010. [catalogue]


  • 2016
    Dogar, Andreea, “Cod rosu in oras. De ce au aparut pe strazi panouri cu mesajul «Atentie, cad frunzele»”, greatnews.ro, October 2016.
    Ghiu, Bogdan, “de-clic(k) / atelier deschis. Miklos Onucsan sau materia care (se) scrie”, Observatorul cultural, Issue 825, June 2016.

    Angel, Judit, “When History Comes Knocking”, Revista Arta Veche.wordpress.com, July 2012.
    Coscodan, Daria, “Miklos Onucsan. Masuratori neterminate”, Revista Arta, Issue 4-5, 2012.

    Fuhlbrügge, Heike, “Unorte des Sehens”, artnet, December 2011.
    Werner, Anna-Lena, “Berlin: Miklos Onucsan Levels No Man’s Land”, artfridge, 2011.
    Fox, Catherine, “Review: Invisible Body, Conspicuous Mind, Contemporary Romanian Art, at Kenesaw”, Art Satl.com, February 2011.
    “Barricade of Dreams – exhibition of Igor and Ivan Buharov, Svätopluk Mikyta, Miklos Onucsan and Peter Szabo”, trafo.hu, 2011.

    Brasoveanu, Madalina, “Miclos Onucsan. Markings of the Working Area”, Revista Arta, p. 58-59, 2010.

    “Aller guter Dinge sind nicht immer drei”, Berliner Zeitung, 2009.
    Radu, Magda, “About Miklos Onucsan”, Flash Art International, ed. 264-266, p.131, 2009.
    Communication Arts, Volume 33, Coyne & Blanchard, 1992, p. 75.
    Banai, Nuit, “Lichtzwang”, Artforum, 2009.

    Knoll, Valerie, “Cluj Connection”, Artforum, April 2007.

    Nasui, Cosmin, “Aici si atunci / Here and Then @ Club Electroputere Craiova”, April 2001.