Serban Savu
Born 1978 in Sighisoara, Romania. Lives and works in Cluj, Romania.
Serban Savu graduated from the University of Art and Design, Cluj, in 2001.
He was the recipient of received the “Nicolae Iorga” postgraduate research grant from 2002-2004.
In 2024, he represented Romania at the 60th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia.
Solo Exhibitions
What Work Is, The Romanian National Pavilion, in the 60th Venice Biennale, Giardini della Biennale, Venice, IT
Makeovers, National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest, RO
Regolith, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
ECHINOCȚIU, Kunsthalle Bega, Timișoara, RO
Serban Savu – En dérive, Le Lait Centre D’art Contemporain, Albi, FR
The New Life, Galeria Dawid Radziszewski, Warsaw, PL
Heroes, Saints and Other Figures, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Serban Savu, Museo Pietro Canonica a Villa Borghese, Roma, IT
Serban Savu, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Pictures at an Exhibition, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Manastur, Dawid Radziszewski Gallery, Warsaw, PL
Sometimes My Eyes Are the Eyes of a Stranger, Monica de Cardenas Gallery, Milan, IT
Daily Practice for the End of the World, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Overview, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Close to Nature, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
Under the Radar, Pitzhanger Manor House & Gallery, London, UK
Essay on Limits, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, FR
Unimportant Stories, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Recent paintings, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
The Edge of the Empire, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
Behind the Walls, Laika, Cluj, RO
Harvest, Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Girls, Plan B Gallery, Cluj, RO
Along the River, F A Projects, London, UK
The New Man, Mie Lefever Gallery, Ghent, BE
Clock Card, H’art Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Selected Group Exhibitions
One Eye Laughing, the Other Crying. Art From Romania. Ovidiu Șandor Collection, The International Cultural Centre, Krakow, PL
snow falls over car hoods over david’s valley, Lutnita, Chisinau, MD
The Twist: Failing Empires, Triumphant Provinces, National Museum of Contemporary Art, MNAC Bucharest, Bucharest, RO
Reenactment – Recostituire il passato, Galleria D’arte Accademia di Romania, Rome, IT
Remembering Peace, Kyiv Biennial, Augarten Contemporary, Vienna, AT
The Twist. Five Provincial Stories from an Empire, Kunsthalle Bega, Timisoara, RO
Looking Anew and Beyond, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, US
Lost in the Moment That Follows, Ways of Collecting: Ovidiu Șandor Collection, Kunsthalle Prague, Prague, CZ
Bienala Jurnal de virus | Tulpini criptice, Diptych Art Space, Bucharest, RO
Mystery 3 Elefsina Mon Amour: In Search of the Third Paradise, cur. by Katerina Gregos, Elefsina, GR
Avangarda si Contemporaneitate, Muzeul Județean de Artă, Centrul Artistic Baia Mare, Baia Mare, RO
The Influencing Machine, Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, PL
Culturi agricole. Agricultura în arta românească modernă și contemporană, Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, RO
Arta si Orasul 1974-2021, Museum of Recent Art, Bucharest, RO
Electric Crossroads, Bubble ‘n’ Squeak, Brussels, BEL
FOOTBALL. REALISM OF THE GAME,Floreasca Sports Hall, Bucharest, RO
Because in our dreams we took risks, Art Encounters, Timisoara, RO
Geta Bratescu, Adrian Ghenie, Ciprian Muresan, Serban Savu, Fondazione Nicola Del Roscio, Rome, IT
Ciprian Muresan and Serban Savu, L’atelier sans fin, Atelier Brancusi – Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
La Brique, the Brick, Caramida, La Kunsthalle, Mulhouse, FR
Ex-East, past and recent stories of the Romanian Avant-Garde, Espace Niemeyer, Paris, FR
Ciprian Muresan and Serban Savu, L’entretien infini, Une saison roumaine, Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR
DOUBLE HEADS MATCHES. A selection of contemporary artworks from four Romanian private collections, New Budapest Gallery, Budapest, HU
On the Sex of Angels, Nicodim Gallery, Bucharest, RO
Out of Place, The 3rd Mediterranean Biennale, Haifa, IL
Making Windows Where There Were once Walls, Gallery of Fine Arts, Ostrava, CZ
The Hierophant, Nicodim Gallery, Bucharest, RO
… HOUNDED BY EXTERNAL EVENTS …, Maureen Paley, London, UK
Track Changes, curated by Plan B at Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo, BR
The Factory of Facts and Other (Unspoken) Stories, Salonul de Proiecte, Bucharest, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
Landscapes After Ruskin: Redefining the Sublime, Hall Art Foundation, New York, US
BERLIN SHOW #4: Inventory, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Tracing Shadows, PLATEAU, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, KR
Appearance and Essence, Art Encounters Biennial, Timisoara, RO
Pocket Revolutions, Korea Foundation, Seoul, KR
Group exhibition, Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
A FEW GRAMS OF RED, YELLOW, BLUE. New Romanian Art, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL
Defaced, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, Colorado, US
Through the Collector´s Eye, The Office, Cluj, RO
Scènes Roumaines, Espace Culturel Louis Vuitton, Paris, FR
Nightfall: New Tendencies in Figurative Painting, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague, CZ
Km/h, Utopies automobiles et ferroviaires 1913-2013, Tour 46, Belfort & Musée du Château des ducs de Wurtemberg, Montbéliard, FR
Nightfall. New Tendencies in Figurative Painting, MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Art, Debrecen, HU
Salonul de vara, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
Referencing History, Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE
European Travellers – Art from Cluj Today, Mȕcsarnok Kunsthalle, Budapest, HU
Anthem of People’s Love, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
East Ex East, Brand New Gallery, Milan, IT
Salonul de mai, Galeria Plan B, Cluj, RO
Communism never happened, Galerie CUC Charim Unger Contemporary, Berlin, DE
Communism never happened, Charim Galerie, Vienna, AT
Romanian Cultural Resolution, Figurative Painting in Romania: 1970-2000, Spinnerei, Leipzig, DE
After the Fall, Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York, US
Der offene Garten, Kunsthalle Lingen, DE
Route tournante en sous-bois, UpLoad Art Project (ULAP), Trento, IT
Mircea Pinte Collection – I – ,The Art Museum Cluj, RO
BERLIN SHOW #2, Galeria Plan B, Berlin, DE
Romanian Cultural Resolution, Figurative Painting in Romania: 1970-2000, Club Electroputere, Craiova, RO
Invisible Body, Conspicuous Mind, The Luckman Fine Arts Complex, Los Angeles, US
Show me a hero, Calvert22, London, UK
Expanded Painting 3, Prague Biennale 4, Prague, CZ
I´ve watered a Horseshoe as if it Were a Flower, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Size Matters: XS – Recent Small-Scale Painting, Knoxville Museum of Art, Knoxville, US
Re-construction, Biennial of Young Artists, Bucharest, RO
Berlin Show #1, Plan B Gallery, Berlin, DE
Closer Still, Mihai Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Days Become Nights, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, FR
Eastern European Painting Now, Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, Texas, US
Across the Trees, David Nolan Gallery, New York, US
Expanded Painting 2, Prague Biennale 3, Prague, CZ
Cluj Connection, Haunch of Venison Gallery, Zurich, CH
Please Drive Slowly Through Our World, Kontainer Gallery, Los Angeles, US
Selected public and private collections
Centre Pompidou, Paris; San Francisco MOMA; Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw; National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest; Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, Virginia; FRAC Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand; Hort Family Collection, New York; Zabludowicz Collection, London, Sarvisalo, New York; Dean Valentine and Amy Adelson Collection, Los Angeles.
Pop, Mihai; State, George. Drifting, Cluj: IDEA Design and Print, 20192015
Mullins, Charlotte. Picturing People, The New State of the Art. London: Thames & Hudson, 2015, p. 9-51; p. 76-77.2014
Valli, Marc; Dessanay, Margherita. Abrush with the real: figurative painting today. London: King, 2014, p. 210-218.
Gorzadek, Ewa. A FEW GRAMS OF RED, YELLOW, BLUE New art from Romania. Warszawa: Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, 2014, p. 52-53. [catalogue]2013
Demir, Duygu; Jung, Hyun; Byrd I., Antawan. Art cities of the future 21st Century Avant-Gardes. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2013; New York: Phaidon Press Inc., 2014, p. 82-85.
Garner, Glen; Fogh, Annemette. Hotspot Cluj-New Romanian Art. Arken, Copenhagen: Museum of Modern Art, 2013. [catalogue]2012
Diquinzio, Apsara. SIX LINES OF FLIGHT: SHIFTING GEOGRAPHIES IN CONTEMPORARY ART. San Francisco: The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2012, p. 106. [catalogue]2011
Schwabsky, Barry. Vitamin P2: New Perspectives In Painting. London: Phaidon, 2011, p. 264-265.
East by South West. Vienna: Remaprint, 2011, p. 48-50.
Serbav Savu, Hatje Cantz, 2011 [monography]2010
Adler, Phoebe; McCorquodale, Duncan. Contemporary art in Eastern Europe. London: Black Dog, 2010.
Mircan, Mihnea; Neal, Jane; Radu, Magda. Edited by Mihai Pop, Colectia Mircea Pinte. Cluj: Galeria Plan B and Museum of Art Cluj Napoca, 2010. [catalogue]2009
Neal, Jane. Show me a hero: Zsolt Bodoni, Adrian Ghenie, Vitaly Pushnitsky, Serban Savu, Peter Sudar, Alexander Tinei. London: Calvert, 2009.
Lamant, Ludovic, “Le Roumain Șerban Savu peint l’inconfort de la transition post-communiste”, Mediapart, February 2025.
Dulămiță, Ionuț, “‘Ca artist, trebuie să fii mereu pregătit să te apuci de un Glovo’.În atelierul pictorului Șerban Savu”, Scena9, February 2025.2024
But, Georgiana,”Serban Savu (a conversation)”, Conceptual Fine Arts, September 2024.
Marincu, Diana, “Everything is Possible on the Periphery”, Revista Arta, May 2024.
Mutler, Alison,”Romania brings modern mosaics to the Venice Biennale”, Financial Times, April 2024.
Behrens, Edward, “Must-see pavilions at the Venice Biennale 2024”, Apollo Magazine, April 2024.
Earle, Nico Kos, “60th Venice Biennale Twelve Essential Highlights”, Artlyst, April 2024.
“Serban Savu on Representing Romania at the 60th Venice Biennale”, Art Review, March 2024
Marinescu, Patricia, “Șerban Savu on Representing Romania at the 60th Venice Biennale”, Curatorial,
March 2024
Marincu, Diana, “Venetia 2024 – ‘Oamenii aceștia își caută libertatea’ | Venice 2024 – ‘These people are looking to find their freedom'”, Revista Arta, Issue 68-69, 2024.2017
Echterhoff, Cordula, “Metropolis – Serban Savu”, arte.tv, October 2017.
Casiuc, Carmen, “Concerns of radical eccentricity”, Revista Arta.ro, March 2017.
Gat, Orit, “Hounded by External Events…”, frieze.com, January 2017.2016
Dambrot, Shana Nys, “Sociopolitical History and Art History as Feedback Loops”, Whitehotmagazine.com, May 2016.
Buck, Louisa, “Commercial success: the trio of independent galleries showcasing thought-provoking shows”, Telegraph.co.uk, December 2016.2015
Muraben, Bilie, “Serban Savu’s wry realist renderings depict Romanian’s melancholic splendour”, itsnicethat.com, January 2015.2014
Colvin, Rob, “Artists Pick Artists: Serban Savu”, Hyperallergic, May 2014.
Steffen, Patrick, “My Highlights from Art Los Angeles Contemporary”, Artsy.net, January 2014.2013
Turner, Zeke, “Art Matters | A Medieval Romanian City With Major Art Talent”, New York Times, T Magazine, November 2013.2012
“Inside the mind of Serban Savu”, Phaidon.com, January 2012.
“Referencing History”, Artbahrain.org, June 2012.2011
Wise, Lloyd, “Șerban Savu. David Nolan Gallery”, Artforum International, p. 256, December 2011.
Cohen, David, “Communism Never Happend: Serban Savu and the Cluj Connection”, artcritical.com,
October 2011.
Grant, Daniel, “Romanians of the Day – Romanian artist are in the spotlight all over the world,” artnews.com,
May 2011.
“Artist to Wach”, The Art Economist, February 2011.2010
Voinea, Raluca, “Șerban Savu: Nu vine niciun tren / No Train Coming”, IDEA arts + society magazine, No. 35, p. 34-51, 2010.
“Notă conținând activitățile desfășurate și membrii Fabricii de Pensule”, IDEA artă + societate / IDEA arts + society No. 36-37, p. 68, 2010.2009
Neal, Jane, “The New Roman(ian) Order”, Modern Painters, September 2009.
Obourn, Nick, “The Edge of the Empire”, Art In America, June-July 2009.
Popescu, Adina, “Critics’ Picks: Serban Savu”, Artforum.com, March 2009.
Cotter, Holland, “The Edge of the Empire”, The New York Times.com, March 2009.
Lindquist, Greg, “The Edge of the Empire”, Artcritical.com, March 2009.2008
Neal, Jane, “Serban Savu”, flashartonline.com, March – April 2008.2007
Cotter, Holland, “Acroos the Trees: Romanian Art Now”, The New York Times, April 2007.
Hohmann, Silke, “Hello Bucharest”, monopol, January 2007.