- Salonul de vara
- Rudolf Bone & Atelier 8IM (Csongor Andre, Nela Axinte–Tolea, Andrea Buzassi–Wanek, Ede–Emil Catona, Tiberiu Catriscau, Attila Laszlo, Alexandra Bela Szfura, Olivia Rosca, Zalan Gego),
Cornel Brudascu, Sorin Campan, Belu-Simion Fainaru, Adrian Ghenie, Gheorghe Ilea, Istvan Laszlo, Victor Man, Dan Mihaltianu, Ciprian Muresan, Navid Nuur, Miklos Onucsan, Cristi Pogacean, Eugenia Pop, Cristian Rusu, Serban Savu, Leonard Vartic - 01.06.12—14.07.12
- Plan B, Cluj
Exhibition views
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Loading... Exhibition view Loading... Cristian Rusu, The Ghost Geometry 3, 2012, site-specific intervention Loading... Exhibition view, Serban Savu Loading... Serban Savu, People, cars and sheep, 2012, oil on canvas, 40 × 30 cm Loading... Serban Savu, Summer fog, 2012, oil on canvas Loading... Exhibition view Loading... Dan Mihaltianu, Union, 2005, bottle of cognac cast in concrete and two photos, variable size Loading... Dan Mihaltianu, Union, 2005, photography (detail) Loading... Ciprian Muresan, I’m Protesting Against Myself (co-author Gianina Carbunariu), 2011, video, 30’35” Loading... Ciprian Muresan, I’m Protesting Against Myself (co-author Gianina Carbunariu), 2011, video still Loading... Cristi Pogacean, Untitled, 2012, photography, variable size Loading... Cristi Pogacean, Untitled, 2012, photography, variable size Loading... Exhibition view Loading... Miklos Onucsan, Modules of dry installation (for Ana Lupas), 2012, installation, variable size Loading... Gheorghe Ilea, Garbage (from the Tronicart 1300 series), 2011, oil on a car hood Loading... Exhibition view Loading... Eugenia Pop, Biography, 2011, wood, clay, canvas, 49 × 180 × 70 cm Loading... Leonard Vartic, Untitled (12 works), 2011, mixed techniques, variable size Loading... Leonard Vartic, Untitled, 2011, pencil and watercolor on paper Loading... Leonard Vartic, Untitled, 2011, pencil and watercolor on paper Loading... Exhibition view Loading... Corneliu Brudascu, Untitled, 2011, oil on wood, 20 × 25 cm Loading... Sorin Campan, Untitled, 2012, oil on cardboard, 39 × 47 cm Loading... Sorin Campan, MAR NERO, 2011, oil on cardboard, 20 × 40 cm Loading... Victor Man, Szellem (from The White Shadow of His Talent), 2011, oil on canvas Loading... Adrian Ghenie, Study for Pie Fight Interior, 2012, collage and acrylic on paper, 80 × 60 cm Loading... Istvan Laszlo, Self-portrait, 2011, video, 32’33” Loading... Istvan Laszlo, Self-portrait, 2011, video stills Loading... Navid Nuur, ‘Bored at the Museum’, 2004-2011, 500 images slide show Loading... Navid Nuur, ‘Bored at the Museum’, 2004-2011, 500 images slide show (detail) Loading... Exhibition view Loading... Belu-Simion Fainaru, Monument for nothingness, 2012, site-specific installation Loading... Rudolf Bone, The Birth of a Thunder Ball, 2012, performance